Rod Wave Has Some Fans Furious After His Latest Concert Stunt

Rod Wave is an artist who has always worn his emotions on his sleeve. Overall, his music can be harrowing to listen to sometimes. He doesn't hold back on how he is feeling, and for some, it is a bit jarring. There is a fair share of haters out there who think his music is

Rod Wave is an artist who has always worn his emotions on his sleeve. Overall, his music can be harrowing to listen to sometimes. He doesn't hold back on how he is feeling, and for some, it is a bit jarring. There is a fair share of haters out there who think his music is a bit melodramatic. However, there are more people out there who actually resonate with the music. His fans are very powerful and they were able to make Nostalgia a number-one album. Needless to say, he is experiencing a ton of success these days.

In fact, Rod Wave is currently on a tour throughout the United States. These sold-out dates have been huge moments for his career. He has been able to show off his powerful voice in person, and mostly, fans have enjoyed it. Unfortunately, the artist is now at the center of some controversy due to a recent stunt he pulled. In the video below, you can see the artist climbing some sort of scaffolding on stage before jumping off into a mat below.

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Rod Wave Jumps Off A Balcony

The entire stunt seemed like some sort of attempt at simulating suicide. Wave has sung about these topics in the past, however, fans felt like depicting the act in this way, was tasteless. "This is alarming! Not funny at all, especially when so many young people look up to this guy. Suicide is nothing to advertise as escaping from the hardships of the world!" one user wrote. "Promoting depression & jumping off a balcony is crazy but ok," said another.

Needless to say, Rod Wave attempted to be provocative, and it isn't exactly landing very well right now. Only time will tell whether or not he tries this move again. Let us know what you thought of the stunt, in the comments section below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for the latest news and updates from around the music world. We will always keep you informed.

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