Botox brow lift FAQs answered and reviewed by experts

Botox may be best known for its ability to do away with frown lines and smooth out the forehead, but one of its lesser known, yet common uses is to enhance the skin around the eye area and eyebrows. This treatment is the Botox brow lift treatment, also referred to as Browtox when used to

Botox may be best known for its ability to do away with frown lines and smooth out the forehead, but one of its lesser known, yet common uses is to enhance the skin around the eye area and eyebrows. This treatment is the Botox brow lift treatment, also referred to as Browtox when used to help correct uneven brows.

“The delicate skin in this area does naturally tend to wrinkle and sag as we age, so the eye appears smaller and can even appear puffy. There are a number of non-surgical procedures that can make the skin around your eyes look smooth and firm again, one being Botox injections.” says cosmetic doctor Dr Anne Mendelovici, based on Harley Street in London.

So when your eye cream isn’t cutting it, Botox is an alternative that relaxes the muscles, smoothing lines around the eyes, also lifting the brow. Dr Mendelovici, an expert in the treatment, gives the lowdown on what you need to considering before opting for the procedure.

What does a Botox brow lift entail?

“It basically consists of multiple tiny Botox injections on the lower forehead around the eyes. It relaxes the muscles, which helps reduce wrinkles around the eyes and elevates the brows slightly, all with the effect of opening the eyes.”

What do you need to know post treatment?

The full results of the Botox take several weeks to be visible, so it’s best to plan ahead if there's a time factor for results. Also worth considering, “Some people might experience temporary redness, pain, sensitivity or bruising at the injection site immediately after treatment. In rare cases, some might experience headaches.” She also adds, “Following treatment, it’s recommended not to rub the injected area and to avoid intense exercising, steam/sauna for 24 hours."

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“It is important to know that the use of Botox is contraindicated in people with neuromuscular disorders, pregnant or breast-feeding women, or anyone with an allergy to the product (Botox)."

How long will the results last? 

"On average, Botox lasts for 3 to 4 months, this obviously varies from one patient to another depending on the strength of the muscles. Movements slowly start coming back after a couple of months,” says Dr Mendelovici. “I prefer to take a light touch approach, so I inject gently at first, to avoid any heaviness on the brows/forehead and then offer a complimentary touch-up 1 to 2 weeks following initial treatment for any additional tweak.”

What can I expect to pay?

Expect treatment to be between £300-£400 (depending on the areas to be injected).

What if you don’t like the results?

Botox cannot be reversed, unlike fillers which can be dissolved, so it’s a waiting game for the effect to naturally wear off. It’s therefore important to do your research before treatment and have a full consultation, so you are clear on the procedure and the results.

How can I find a good practitioner?

As the industry remains unregulated in the UK, be sure to check your chosen practitioners qualifications on the register of the General Medical Council. Other places to check accreditation include the voluntary register at the Professional Standards Authority (PSA); the Joint Council for Cosmetic Practictioners (JCCP) and Save Face.

The Botox Brow Lift Review:

The Brow Influencer Review: They don't call Sal Cikikcioglu 'the eyebrow king' for nothing. The celebrity brow expert is a pro when it comes to brow shaping and styling.

They say that the eyes are the window to your soul. For me, the brows are like the gatekeepers and trust me when I say, having perfectly groomed and shaped brows can do wonders for your face. Like many, I had uneven brows. No matter how often I had my brows shaped, I always had one that sat perfectly and one had a slight roundness to it that couldn’t be corrected by waxing or threading. For me, the roundness was so pronounced, the brow would rise every time I spoke, giving me a slightly confused expression I couldn’t control.

After hearing about Browtox, I hunted down a clinic that specialised in Botox and the practitioner gave me a consultation and administered a small amount of Botox to correct the muscle around the uneven brow. The procedure was quick and straightforward and created the brow symmetry I had wanted for years, that I couldn't achieved with shaping alone.

From my experience, this simple procedure that can make a huge difference, but it is always best to speak to a licensed aesthetics’ practitioner about the procedure to see if it is right for you.

The Beauty Editor Review: GLAMOUR's Beauty Director Camilla Kay has an issue with Botox - it makes her brows droop, until she discovered the Botox brow lift.

I never bothered with Botox before I turned 40, but as I could see the signs of ageing advancing my interest grew and I decided to try Botox. I consulted an aesthetic doctor and decided to go ahead with the procedure on my forehead and around my eyes.  As the Botox effect kicked in, I noticed something different about my face. My brows looked lower than normal, and although others didn't notice their lowered status until I pointed it out, I just didn’t feel like me. My brows hung low for a month or so, then slowly headed back up to their normal spot. Despite enjoying the smoother skin on my forehead, it made me reluctant to try the treatment again.

Chatting to other derms and cosmetic doctors, I learnt the shape of my forehead meant Botox would would always make my brows droop. The only way I could have the treatment was to have the injections lower down and just around the brows and eyes only (AKA a Botox brow lift).

I decided to try this route with a doctor I trusted, and yes while it is momentarily painful with the stinging of the injections, I have repeated the treatment several times since as I was pleased with the results. It's less about brow lift for me, but the smoothing of the area gives your face and eyes a revitalised and slightly more youthful appearance, and with a few forehead wrinkles in place, there's none of the tell tale signs of being Botox'd.

