- You can cancel Acorn TV by going to the Acorn website and clicking "Cancel Membership" on your account page.
- If you subscribed to Acorn TV through Amazon Prime, you'll need to cancel through Amazon's "Memberships & Subscriptions" menu instead.
Acorn TV offers Americans access to TV shows and movies from countries like the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and Spain. For $6 per month, it can be a great deal.
But if you've subscribed to Acorn TV and found that it doesn't live up to expectations, you can cancel at any time. This includes during the weeklong free trial, which is a good way to make sure you don't pay for a subscription you don't want.
However, the method you use to cancel your subscription will depend on how you signed up for it — through Acorn TV itself, or through Amazon Prime.
How to cancel Acorn TV
You can cancel your Acorn subscription in just a few clicks from any web browser.
1. In any web browser, go to Acorn TV and log into your account if you're not already signed in.
2. In the upper right corner of the page, click "My Acorn TV" and, in the drop-down menu, click "Manage Account." You should see your account details, including when you'll next be charged.
3. In the navigation pane on the left, click "Cancel Membership."
4. Click "Cancel Acorn TV."
How to cancel Acorn TV through Amazon Prime
If you subscribed to Acorn TV through Amazon Prime, you can't unsubscribe directly from Acorn — you need to use your Amazon account to cancel the subscription.
1. Open Amazon in a web browser and sign into your account if needed.
2. Hover your mouse over "Accounts & Lists" at the top-right of the page and then choose "Memberships & Subscriptions" from the drop-down menu.
3. Find Acorn TV in the list of subscriptions and click "Manage Subscription."
4. Under "Advanced controls," click "Go to my Video settings."
5. On the page that appears, scroll down to "Your Channels" and find Acorn TV. Click the "Cancel Channel(s)" button next to it.
6. You'll be brought to an Acorn TV page, where you'll have the choice to end your subscription and keep watching until the next payment date, cancel your account now and get a refund for the current month, or go back. Choose one of the first two options.
Once you pick an option, your Acorn TV account will be cancelled.
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