Katherine Heigl on Marriage Equality, Kissing Alexis Bledel at Jennys Wedding Premier

The U.S. Supreme Courts ruling legalizing same-sex marriage was very much front and center at Friday nights premiere of Jennys Wedding at the Directors Guild of America as part of Outfest.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling legalizing same-sex marriage was very much front and center at Friday night’s premiere of “Jenny’s Wedding” at the Directors Guild of America as part of Outfest.

“I get very emotional and I cried,” recalled Katherine Heigl on the red carpet. “I was very grateful — grateful that our country has seen the light and is encouraging others to do the same.”

Heigl portrays the titular Jenny in the film, playing a buttoned-down Cleveland social worker who is openly gay — except with her family — and decides to marry her roommate, played by Alexis Bledel. IFC is releasing the movie on July 31.

“I loved making out with Alexis,” Heigl said.

The film, shot two years ago, was selected for Outfest several weeks prior to the Supreme Court ruling.

“Doing this at Outfest feels like the right time and the right place,” Heigl noted. “I cried when I read the script and then I cried again. Every time I watch the movie, I cry.”

Mary Agnes Donoghue directed the film from her own script. Tom Wilkinson and Linda Emond star as the parents as well as Grace Gummer, Sam McMurray, Diana Hardcastle and a white dog named Hildy Johnson (Rosalind Russell’s character in “His Girl Friday.”)

“The movie is sort of a road map on how to deal with massive social change,” Donoghue said. “We really put our heart and soul into it.”

The movie was produced by Michelle Manning, Gail Levin and Donoghue. The filmmakers raised $96,691 in an Indiegogo campaign to complete post-production work on music, titles, color and sound.

Heigl laughed heartily when asked during the Q&A if she wanted to direct, then added, “I’ll leave that to the geniuses like Mary Agnes.”

'I loved making out with Alexis' – Katherine Heigl on her co-star in 'Jenny's Wedding' pic.twitter.com/92En3rioZh

— Dave McNary (@Variety_DMcNary) July 11, 2015

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