Bodybuilding duo Buck and Michelle Miller spend 50k a year maintaining their bodies

Image-obsessed Buck and Michelle Miller claim to be the world's best looking couple - and spend a massive 50,000 each year maintaining their image. Mirrors and portraits of the couple cover almost every wall of their Las Vegas home and they constantly try to improve their chiseled physiques.

Image-obsessed Buck and Michelle Miller claim to be the world's best looking couple - and spend a massive £50,000 each year maintaining their image.

Mirrors and portraits of the couple cover almost every wall of their Las Vegas home and they constantly try to improve their chiseled physiques.

The couple fork out £4,000 each month on manicures, pedicures, haircuts, tanning and gym membership and are so serious about staying in shape that they prepare every meal days in advance.

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Buck and Michelle Miller from Las Vegas spend £40k a month on their looks and claim they are the hottest couple in America. They eat six high-protein meals every day, all planned in advance, and never have carbs

Buck and Michelle Miller from Las Vegas spend £40k a month on their looks and claim they are the hottest couple in America. They eat six high-protein meals every day, all planned in advance, and never have carbs

Amateur bodybuilder Buck, 27, said: 'Without a doubt we are America's best-looking couple - that's a fact - hands down.

'If there was a competition for the world's best looking couple, I would sign up right now.

'Every time I walk by a mirror, I'm looking. I'm always asking Michelle to take pictures of my physique.'


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Michelle, 33, has 34D breast implants, is 5ft 7in and weighs just over ten stone, with a 26in waist and 33in hips, while Buck weighs a little over 13 stone. 

The couple met while each was supporting a friend at a bodybuilding competition in California in February 2012.

When they met, Michelle was living in Vancouver, Canada, with a son from a previous relationship, while Buck was based in Las Vegas.

Buck only began bodybuilding competitively in April this year but has already won shows Michelle, who has been competing in the fitness category since 2011 has always been into fitness but started training competitively four years ago

Buck only began bodybuilding competitively in April this year but has already won shows, Michelle, who has been competing in the fitness category since 2011 started training competitively four years ago

The pair had a long-distance relationship for a year before deciding to get married a year later on Valentine's Day, 2013.

Buck said: 'The first thing that attracted me to Michelle was her physique. I've always been attracted to muscly women and her quads were amazing.

'She really inspired me to get into it too - I wanted to look good next to her.'

Michelle, who has been competing in the fitness category since 2011, has always been into fitness but started training competitively four years ago. 

In 2011, she entered her first competition, the Western Canadian Championship, and was astounded when she won.

She said: 'I trained myself and in the months leading up to the competition worked so hard. 

'I was terrified when I was up on the stage. I was sweating and nervous and excited. 

'But I felt amazing when they read my name out as the overall winner. It was overwhelming.'

The pair had a long-distance relationship for a year before marrying on Valentine's Day, 2013

The pair had a long-distance relationship for a year before marrying on Valentine's Day, 2013

The couple that works out together... Buck says Michelle as his spitting image and the female version of him

The couple that works out together... Buck says Michelle as his spitting image and the female version of him

The looks-obsessed duo spend all their time training or eating perfectly prepared and weighed meals

The looks-obsessed duo spend all their time training or eating perfectly prepared and weighed meals

Since then Michelle has amassed dozens of trophies and works as a personal trainer, teaching others how to get into shape.

Buck only began bodybuilding competitively in April this year but has already won shows too.

He said: 'Michelle got me into this lifestyle, but I wanted to clean up my lifestyle and to better myself anyway.

'Bodybuilding has made me into a better person. I feel great about myself, also I motivate and inspire people.

'I look great and it has brought a lot of structured discipline to my life.'

Now the couple are inundated with attention and questions from admirers when they leave the house together.

Buck said: 'When we're together people go crazy. When we're on the strip or in a grocery store people cannot stop staring at us, we're mobbed.

'It's flattering when guys look at and appreciate Michelle. They can look but they can't touch.'

Buck and Michelle Miller on their wedding day in February 2013 

Buck and Michelle Miller on their wedding day in February 2013 

Before he began weight training, Buck, here with a friend, was inspired to increase his workouts by Michelle

Before he began weight training, Buck, here with a friend, was inspired to increase his workouts by Michelle

Buck before he began weight training. He wanted to look good next to Michelle and her muscular body

Buck before he began weight training. He wanted to look good next to Michelle and her muscular body

The couple's dedication to their bodies means that they have to prepare all of their food days in advance and weigh out grams and ounces with scientific accuracy.

Michelle said: 'Everything we eat is organic and gluten-free. All of the sauces we use are low in sugar.

'We take care of every single ounce of food that enters our body.

'The amount of carbs, proteins etc - everything has to be meticulously planned.

'We're very scientific about it all. We eat six meals a day, seven days a week and never, ever let ourselves slip - not even on our birthdays.'

The couple, whose home is covered in mirrors and pictures of themselves, in the Mojave Desert, California

The couple, whose home is covered in mirrors and pictures of themselves, in the Mojave Desert, California

Buck and Michelle pose in front of the Welcome To Fabulous Las Vegas sign in their home city

Buck and Michelle pose in front of the Welcome To Fabulous Las Vegas sign in their home city

Each day, the pair get up at 6am after no less than eight hours of sleep.

Michelle said: 'If I've taken my son to school I like to hit the gym for 9am and do an hour of speed biking.

At 10am I come home and have my second breakfast of egg whites or a protein pancake - something a little heavier.'

After taking care of the housework, lunch is four ounces of chicken and brown rice.

She said: 'At 2pm I hit the gym again and do weights for 35 minutes after a 15-minute warm up.

'I'm pretty focused and do 20 minutes of cardio at the end.

'If I snack throughout the day it's almonds, banana, kale or more chicken and rice. Anything pure. I don't do a large meals.' 

The couple's dedication to their bodies means that they have to prepare all of their food days in advance

The couple's dedication to their bodies means that they have to prepare all of their food days in advance

Buck and Michelle with supplements, including protein, glutamine, fish oil, amino acids and multivitamins

Buck and Michelle with supplements, including protein, glutamine, fish oil, amino acids and multivitamins

In 2008, Michelle had implants to take her from a 34C to a 34D.

She said: 'I had the surgery because after having a child I wasn't comfortable with my appearance after the effects of breast feeding.

'Also, lifting weights causes women to lose their breasts, it slowly turns them into pecs from doing chest exercises.

'Having plastic surgery definitely made a big impact on keeping my femininity, which was important to me.'

With such a large emphasis put on their appearance, the couple know that many would consider them superficial.

Buck, a personal trainer, said: 'If someone were to say to me that I'm vain - there's two responses.

'If they were being smart about it I would tell them to take off their shirt, and I'll take off my shirt and I would ask them to repeat what they just said.'

'Every time we walk by a mirror we look, not because we're cocky, but just because you're always looking for things you can improve on.

'There are people who would give an arm and a leg to have my body.'

Even before she became serious about weight training, Michelle, here in 2007, liked to look good

Even before she became serious about weight training, Michelle, here in 2007, liked to look good

With taut abs and muscular thighs, Michelle, above in 2008, was in shape before she began weight training

With taut abs and muscular thighs, Michelle, above in 2008, was in shape before she began weight training

And it isn't just his muscles he spends time carefully cultivating.

He said: 'I have a manicure and pedicure every two weeks, and a haircut every Monday and Friday.


£320 for Michelle's competition outfits

£2250 on cosmetics, hair and nails

£30 per month on tanning

£95 per month for gym memberships

£1,000 per month on organic food

£500 per month on supplements

£640 a show for Buck's competition coach

£300- £3000 registration and hotels 

'I regularly go to get a tan and I have a posing coach that I go and see to help with competition poses.'

Michelle said: 'When I first met Buck, although he wasn't into bodybuilding, I thought he was a man to whom presentation was important.

'He cares about the way he looked and I like that in a guy.

'He gets his eyebrows and nails done, which I think is fine.

Despite the regimented lifestyle the couple have the full support of their 12-year-old son Kyler.

Despite their incredible physiques the couple claim to not use steroids but say they are common in bodybuilding circles.

'I don't judge people who take steroids,' said Buck.

'It's talked about a lot in the inner circles of bodybuilding. I mean, I don't disagree with it and feel it's a huge part of what the sport is.

'Unfortunately, it has been labelled as a bad thing. It's not healthy but they could be needed if you're going to take the sport seriously at a professional level.


Breakfast: six egg whites and cup of oatmeal.

(Then a meal every two hours)

Meal two: Eight ounces of chicken breast, a cup of white rice or four ounces of sweet potatoes.

Meal three and four: Eight ounces of ground turkey, cup of white rice or four ounces of sweet potatoes.

Meals five and six: Top sirloin, no carbs. Plus four stalks of asparagus if very hungry.

Plus, daily protein, glutamine and fish oil supplements alongside, amino acids and multivitamins.

Despite all their sacrifices to keep themselves at the peak of physical fitness the couple have no regrets and would not change a thing.

'It's all completely worth it,' added Buck. 'Who wouldn't want to look like a million dollars?

'If Michelle wasn't into bodybuilding there's no way we'd be able to be married or be together.

'I'm very blessed to have found a wife who is the spitting image of me - but a female version.'

Michelle said: 'I do believe Buck has the perfect body. I married him for a reason.

'Who wouldn't want an eight-pack and a small waist with a nice butt and legs?

'We're different, we stand out. I have yet to see a jacked couple like us.

'I have yet to see a couple that imitates our lifestyle and we're not trying to prove anything to anyone it's just who we are.'

Buck said: 'I got into bodybuilding because I wanted to better myself, increase my longevity and inspire people along the way and I've been very blessed with the success I have in the short amount of time.' 


