After turning 50, Linda (played by Christie) gets on her bike to find herself. Plus: David Tennant stars in There She Goes. Here’s what to watch tonight
The Change
10pm, Channel 4
Written by and starring Bridget Christie, this smart comedy-drama about a woman navigating midlife is fantastic. Linda, 50, has been writing down the so-called “invisible work” she has done as a mother, wife and colleague for 25 years. When her GP tells her she is going through the menopause, Linda decides she has had enough of feeling invisible and sets off on a motorbike to find herself in a forest. It opens with a double bill that will have you hooting – especially when she confronts a man who doesn’t think it’s “right” for a woman to enjoy a solo pint in the pub – as well as realising that, no, the menopause hasn’t been explored like this on TV before.Hollie Richardson
There She Goes
9pm, BBC Two
This charming, bitingly funny drama about a teenage girl with a severe learning disability returns for a one-off special about the trials of navigating puberty. Miley Locke is back as Rosie, who has just turned 13, while David Tennant and Jessica Hynes are her perfectly cast parents. HR
The Repair Shop: Windrush Special
8pm, BBC One
The reliably cheering nostalgia fix dedicates an episode to the generation of Caribbean immigrants who arrived in Britain after the second world war. It’s touching stuff. The heirlooms – a passport, a clock and a simple bag – all speak lyrically of the hopes, courage and struggles of the people to whom they belonged. Phil Harrison
The Great British Sewing Bee
9pm, BBC One
This week’s challenge, to quote Shakespeare, is such stuff as dreams are made on. The needle-wielders must create phantasmagorical outfits inspired by their subconscious minds, for a truly surreal catwalk. It’s all part of an art-themed strand, applying techniques gleaned from the modernist movement. Cue abstract shapes and enormous painted canvases transformed into wearable dresses. Ali Catterall
Katie Piper’s Jailhouse Mums
10pm, W
Since she was the victim of an acid attack in 2008, Katie Piper has developed a strong interest in prison rehabilitation and volunteers in institutions across the UK. In this intriguing new series, she heads to the US, where 60,000 pregnant women are locked up each year, to see what life is like for them, starting in Georgia. HR
10.40pm, BBC One
OK, Zoomers: season three of David Tennant and Michael Sheen’s enjoyably sweary video-conferencing meta comedy continues. Tennant is still stranded in Tokyo, albeit with a slinky kimono: can he coax Sheen into sorting out Georgia’s surprise birthday party? Graeme Virtue
Film choice
Oldboy (Park Chan-wook, 2003), 11pm, Sky Sci-Fi
Park Chan-wook’s romantic mystery Decision to Leave was one of the finest releases of last year, but the Korean film-maker is better known for intricate, violent revenge tales, none better than this. Choi Min-sik gives his considerable all (not least in the notorious octopus-swallowing scene) as Oh Dae-su, a father held captive for 15 years by figures unknown, then suddenly released. His hunt for his jailers brings him into contact with a chef Mi-do (Kang Hye-jung), but their tender connection is skewed by Dae-su’s vengeance, depicted in impressively bloody detail. Simon Wardell